One size does not fit all: we understand all elements of the supply, demand and optimise equation – and align them with your operations and requirements for business energy, water and your net zero journey.

Energy and water are changing. The energy sector is seeing more decentralised generation and new innovations that are shaping how and when organisations use energy. The UK National Grid requires assistance to manage the network, while end user costs continue to rise sharply due to increasing pass-through non-energy costs.

From single sites and medium-sized enterprises to the largest and most complex multi-site operations, we help you to make sense of your requirements, work more efficiently, and reduce demand and costs by designing and delivering integrated bespoke responses.

Improving sustainability, we help you move further and faster on your net zero journey.

Demand Side Management: take control

With a client organisation in control of your own energy consumption to help manage the network, our approach has two main strands: Demand Side Response and active Energy Management. Consultus expertise and services include:

  • Demand Response
  • Energy Management
  • Energy Savings / Efficiency & Reduction Opportunities
  • Sustainability
  • Triad Alerts / Avoidance

Who benefits?

Consultus Demand Side Management solutions are designed for:

  • All large energy users, public and private sector: any single site with power demand of more than 250kVA
  • Organisations with onsite generation capability, including combined heat and power (CHP) and diesel generation
  • Sites using Building Management Systems
  • Organisations with flexibility over processes – e.g. time of day energy use


We offer a unique approach to optimising supply and demand within the context of sustainability; for example, help clients to transform ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) compliance from a zero value-add cost centre into a powerful engine for reduced consumption and costs. The Consultus approach enables our clients to:

  • Better understand sustainability, requirements and energy efficiency
  • Avoid extensive issues and costs associated with future ESOS certification
  • Comply with ISO 50001 Energy Management certification automatically, and in a way that outlasts ESOS and other similar process
  • Enhance CSR and environmental credentials: our clients can prove they have energy efficiency under control and are taking sustainability seriously

Demand Side Response (DSR)

We enable you to play an active role in initiatives designed to help manage the energy network. Demand Side Response (DSR) drives new revenue generation opportunities, allowing organisations to actively reduce demand and/or increase self-generation in return for an income from the National Grid.

We manage an open tender process of opportunities to DSR providers, pinpointing the optimum schemes for a specific client and identifying the best payback opportunities across the marketplace. Consultus then actively manages enrolment into appropriate DSR schemes and continued participation.

Energy Management

We apply engineering principles and detailed analysis to identify opportunities for energy reductions, cost savings and service improvements.

Typical activities include working with you to enable you to use energy at optimum times of the day, identifying processes and systems that can be moved from high-cost to low-cost periods.

Applying industry best practice and promoting innovation, we can perform a detailed energy demand analysis to identify areas of potential opportunity before optimising onsite systems, processes and behaviours to minimise energy demand.

Consultus holistic energy management solutions  focus on the whole-of-life energy demand of a site and are often engaged at every point of a project’s lifecycle.

Energy Savings

Taking a consultative approach, we identify opportunities in your portfolio prior to building a project case and supporting sign-off by key stakeholders to push down demand and enable savings through new efficiency and reduction opportunities.

Activity includes onsite works as required, and any capital expenditure capex works. Our innovative approach to supply contracts provides you with complete flexibility, and includes the ability to risk manage energy spend.

Triad Alerts / Avoidance

Advance warnings to help reduce consumption and costs, triads are important to large power users. If a business uses a significant amount of electricity, the price paid can be adversely affected by how much energy the organisation uses during the three half-hour periods of peak demand that the UK National Grid uses to determine annual transmission charges. While a Triad only covers a half-hour period, it can have a major impact on energy costs.

The Consultus managed approach to Triad Alerts and Avoidance is a valuable way to focus on usage in peak periods and colder months, better managing energy and demand to achieve consumption and financial benefits. We typically issue 20 alerts in a year.

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