We offer the full range of bureau services, data and analytics to bring your net zero journey alive and help you achieve your energy goals: understand where you are now, where you have been, and where you need to go next.
We have saved millions of pounds for our clients by, for example, identifying errors in utility bills, querying suppliers, recovering funds and generating in-depth budget and savings reports.
Our approach is ‘everything or enough’ – providing precisely what you need at the point you need it, with as much detail and data as you want.
We can do this because of our huge in-house resources and industry experience, tailoring services to specific needs. If you want something else or a little more, simply ask. At all times, your personal myEnergy portal puts you in control.
Our expertise means you can monitor, track and manage energy usage, work more sustainably and gain new efficiencies in finance, procurement, estates and building management. Services include a Virtual Energy Manager (VEM), Bill Payment, Bill Validation, Historical Audits, Net Zero Reporting, Cost/Consumption Reporting, Budget/Savings, Tenant Billing and Accrual Reporting – all pulled together in your myEnergy portal.
The Net Zero Pathway tool is a great starting point, providing customised options and indicative costs based on your set-up, preferences and time lines. Our experts can also guide you through the options and routes available.
myEnergy means you can access the latest bureau services, energy intelligence, your net zero reports, bill validation data and more at any time.
The portal covers everything you need: from the latest utility market intelligence, prices, alerts and commentary, updated by Consultus experts every few hours, to client-specific benchmarks and alerts, documentation, bill validation data and net zero/energy performance across different dimensions: how much energy is used, where and when, and across multiple and international sites as needed.
You can also control information flows and decide on the insights you want to see by changing widgets quickly and easily, set appropriate levels of authorisation, and access your personalised portal on the move via smartphone and tablet.
You are in control of your energy reduction measures and net zero journey.
Our Virtual Energy Manager (VEM) service provides you with easy access to world-class expertise and experience to help accelerate your net zero journey, complementing existing inhouse resources or filling gaps in your capability.
Using VEM means you can see, understand and so better manage your energy usage and costs, helping you to work more efficiently and respond quickly to changes and anomalies. Insights provided include:
- Commentary and analysis: Daily Profile, Heat Map, CO2, Rolling 12-month Day/Night Splits or by e.g. shift patterns, Maximum Demand, etc.
- Customised Performance Indicators against target, benchmark, rolling average, etc.
- Alerts and Triggers via your personalised myEnergy portal.
- Monthly League Tables showing e.g. CO2 and trend month/year to date.
We are acknowledged experts in collecting, processing and managing the many data types needed to understand, manage and optimise your net zero journey.
We bring together data from varied sources and apply expert analytics to provide meaningful energy and net zero insights. We manage this technology on your behalf in secure data centres: fully protected and highly resilient facilities with client access provided at all times, and the ability to change, manage, update and report on the data you want through your customised myEnergy portal.
Our energy analysts and data scientists are on hand to ensure you get the most from the energy and sustainability data available to you.
We set benchmarks for your net zero journey, current consumption, energy and carbon reduction goals, compliance, and costs. We then help you to improve, flagging new opportunities and emerging problems in near-real-time.
In forecasting, we combine advanced in-house modelling, up-to-date market intelligence, external partnerships and industry forecasts to deliver reliable long-term market assessments up to five, ten and even 15-year horizons. All benchmarking data and actionable alerts are available through your secure personalised myEnergy portal.
Alerts and Avoidance
Advance warnings help you to reduce energy consumption and costs. Triad alerts are particularly important to energy-intensive industries. A managed approach to Alerts and Avoidance via Consultus is a valuable way to focus on usage during peak periods and in different seasons, better managing energy and demand to achieve consumption, carbon reduction and financial targets. Our experts typically issue around 20 alerts annually.
Inhouse IP
Our experience and Intellectual Property underpin our ability to track developments and provide the latest market updates, opinions, price drivers, utility forecasts and more, aligning your own set-up and objectives with the market and what you want to achieve. This information is all available, should you need it.
In most cases, clients are confident we are tracking, understanding and responding to market and regulatory developments—so they don’t have to.
Internal market and energy intelligence sources available include: Daily Market Updates and Price Focus, weekly Market Updates, Fortnightly Market Update Briefings, Monthly Utility Focus and Technical Bulletins in plain English.
We combine the latest sustainability and engineering principles with net zero consulting and in-depth analyses to help manage your journey. This includes identifying new and emerging opportunities for energy reductions, lower emissions, cost savings and supply improvements.
Uniquely for this industry, we offer holistic net zero/energy management solutions focused on end-to-end sustainability and the whole-of-life energy demand of a site. We are increasingly engaged to work at every point of a project’s lifecycle.
Applying industry best practice principles we can, for example, closely track your energy consumption and advise on usage at optimal times of the day or week, identifying systems, behaviours and energy-intensive processes that could be moved from high demand/higher cost periods to lower cost periods.
Focused performance analysis and reporting are essential to understand your net zero journey: how you access and consume energy, how greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are falling, and what else you need to do.
Using channels that include the secure myEnergy portal as well as automated SMS and email alerts, powerful analytics and bespoke reporting pinpoint areas of current and potential wastage, identify the best and worst performing sites, and track consumption and costs against net zero targets and budget. These insights inform more achievable plans and strategies for performance improvements, demand reduction and net zero gains.
- Complex emissions, consumption and cost data made simple.
- A holistic view of utility usage, across estates and including trend analyses.
- Focus on unnecessary wastage, costs and emissions.
- Identify efficiency gains and demand reduction opportunities.
- Comply with regulatory requirements.
- Drive continuous performance improvements
- Design and adapt effective long-term net zero strategies.
We manage payments on your behalf, quickly and accurately. With billing errors rife, a huge number of organisations overpay for energy every year: these mistakes are often invisible to the casual observer. We help you avoid these unnecessary costs, resolving queries, liaising with suppliers and recovering overspend.
Our Bureau team analyses supplier bills against parameters discussed and agreed with you. This can include checking meter and site data, contract and tariff data, and consumption – then providing you with monthly discrepancy reports. All information is instantly available via your personalised myEnergy portal.
We also undertake bill validations retrospectively or prior to payment, giving you peace of mind that you are only paying invoices that have already been checked and are correct. We identify overcharges resulting from:
- Incorrect tariff rates.
- Discrepancies between current rates and rates agreed with a supplier.
- Charges made against incorrect meters.
- Incorrect standing charges.
A full Bill Validation Audit means we can, potentially, recover costs dating back five years, working with suppliers to recover overspends.
Our size and our longstanding role in the energy sector and utilities industry means we can call on a huge array of energy IP, bureau services, net zero expertise, data and analytics resources.
All these assets and resources can work away in the background on your behalf, delivering as much or as little as you need.
Few if any other providers offer the same level of net zero, energy reduction, advanced procurement and green energy services. This includes market and energy intelligence such as:
- Daily Market Updates and Price Focus: three times each day and including live trading and the latest trading positions.
- Jargon-free weekly Market Updates including news and commentary on electricity, gas, oil and carbon markets.
- Fortnightly Market Update Briefings distilling the latest insights and project trends covering markets, economies, geopolitics and other areas likely to impact on your net zero journey.
- Monthly Utility Focus with in-depth commentary and context on key issues affecting carbon reduction and energy issues in the UK and globally.
- Technical Bulletins in plain English” world-class insight and expertise into industry, legislative and regulatory changes.